Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wild Child

I always wonder what it would be like if you could somehow capture a moment in a jar--the feelings you had, the exact sounds, smells, sights you are seeing right in a single moment. I wish I could capture my children's childhood (parts of it--the good parts). I know when Sam was small, my heart would ache thinking that he would grow up and be different than what he was right then. It's almost like anticipating homesickness. But Sam has grown and I have loved him along the way as he has seamlessly become a grown-up boy. I ache a little today for Ben because I he's at a stage where he's bursting with personality, curiosity, and life. He plays with everyone or by himself. He's not at an easy stage, but it's the most fun he's been yet. And the way his brain absorbs everything around him amazes me! We've gone swimming often and when he runs full speed towards the edge I raise my hand and say "Stop!" He almost always does, so I guess he understood it. But yesterday he really showed me a window into his mind. I get nervous when Ben approaches the monkey bars because they are 6 feet off the ground. I know he can hold on to that first bar he can reach, but he just dangles once he's there (and he can dangle for awhile, but still--there's nowhere to go but down from there). He stood on the edge and I stood below him, knowing he would reach and swing. I held his waist to spot him. He stopped and fidgeted and kind of whined, but I didn't know what he wanted. He tried a few more times but didn't ever grab and hang. Finally he looked at me, raised his hand, and said "Ah!" (for those who don't speak Ben, that meant 'stop'). Who knows where's he "supposed" to be developmentally, but I know it's the first time he pulled a word out of a different context and used it to communicate. The brain sure works in wonderful ways.

Ben has this new gait when he feels rambunctious (most of the time). He starts by squating down and swaying back and forth with his arms extended to the sides and then he runs in circles as fast as he can. Or he uses his squat move to sneak up on bugs. He saw a fly on the side of the pool so he squatted down and moved his feet inch by inch. Everytime the fly figured him out and took off, Ben would squeal and run in a circle and do it all over again (the fly kept landing in the same spot--not a very bright fly if there are bright flies).
Words: here go (like when you hand someone something and say "here you go"), where go?, go!, all done, Dada, Mama, gunk (drink), gunkgunk (binki), and you might hear peek-a-boo and stop if you listen with toddler ears.
Current favorites: climbing onto Sam's bed and jumping off into my arms, whacking people with long, hard objects (swords, empty paper towel rolls, etc.), dancing, swimming--he blows bubbles and kicks his legs really well, climbing on anything that gets him higher than he already is, coloring on the walls, eating markers, sticking his tongue out, sticking his finger in other people's noses (or his own), eating popsicles, trying to eat other people's popsicles, binkies and blankets at bed time (his yellow blanket with stars on it seems to be a favorite), Thomas the Train, wrestling.
Dislikes: Getting out of the bath, carseats, Lucy squishing him, Sam poking him in the face, walking through doorways without someone holding the door open--he's really scared it will slam on him.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cheese or cheesy? You decide!

The last family picture we took didn't include Ben and Lucy wasn't even walking was time for another attempt.

80% of the family cooperated--we had to do some work to get Sam on board, though.
Ben, on the other hand, is our little male model and Lucy a budding star. She had a shirt on the other day that said "I'm the prettiest princess." I told her what it said and she smiled her toothy grin at me and said "I am" matter of factly.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

He's a Maniac!

If Ben wonders why he won't have much info about his childhood, I'll tell him it's because he ran me so ragged that it's his own fault! The kids doesn't stop! Here's a list of Ben's favorite things to do:
Running in circles with his head cocked to one side.
Climbing into his high chair to beg for food.
Climbing up anything that gets him a better view of the world.
Climbing up the jungle gym and attempting the monkey bars (he can grab onto the first wrung and hold on and hang for a pretty long time--I just worry at how fearlessly he does it).
Hitting Lucy over the head with Sam's new croquet mallet.
Eating sand by the shovelfull or handfuls of dirt.
Pouring dirt or sand on his bare toes.
Trying to jump into Nellie's pool (he can't get off the ground, but he squats and then swings his arms and then tries and tries and then just steps in--again, with no fear at all). He laughs like crazy watching Sam swim around.
Pretending to be a puppy--crawling around making a squeaky barking noise.
Climbing on the dining room chairs and then up on the table to get food.
Purposely throwing things and then pointing at it with a big "Uh oh!"
Other words: All done, Owie, Mama (spoken clearly but used to mean I want something right now) and he might say "Da" for Dad. He jabbers a lot.
He loves lying down on the ground inside and out.
Sucking a binky makes all of life's problems melt away.
Begging for the sacrament bread loudly! He sees the men disperse and starts howling and reaching and pointing.
Conducting the music when organ music plays at church.
Here's Ben at the turtle pond--all red-cheeked and loving the freedom of running around the paths.
Ben, the young Patowan, is strong in the force and actually knows how to extend the light sabers, even if he carries it upside down sometimes.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Put 'em to work young

Ben loves being outside. And if he can be outside and either really dirty or really wet, then he's in heaven! Here he is helping me water the garden. He couldn't figure out where that water was coming from and would occasionally drop the hose and run away when he was getting really drenched. But he would come right back to it and do it again.

Earlier that week we were out in the garden again. I was picking some lemons while I allowed the kids one bucket of water to play with in the dirt. I thought that might keep the mud level down. Ben kept reaching in and splashing in the water. I was supervising, don't get worried(I could just see the flash of "don't let the kid fall in the bucket!" go across your brain-screen), but I admit I didn't totally notice when the kids started mudding Ben up. Lucy started with his hair. They stretched his mohawk of blond hair straight in the air, his thin hairs suspended in a claylike combination of dirt and water. Then, since I had taken his shirt off, they painted his whole upped body with mud. At first he didn't mind, but I think some water splashed in his eyes and then it was off to the hosing station to get cleaned up. The kids know that if they get covered in mud, they must face mom with the hose. And I'm not always nice. I felt bad for Ben, though, because it wasn't his fault he had dirt in his nostrils! He forgot all about my high-pressure water torture quickly. And he would do it all over again if you asked him about it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

You've got something on your face

How do I get my whole head in here?
Ben likes to eat. And lately he has shown a preference for certain foods. The other day he was squaking and begging for food , doing every sign I've taught him frantically (more, water, hungry!!!! Please listen to me!!!!) so I sat him down with something that a month ago would have sufficed (plain bread, cheese, water) and then I cooked for the rest of the family. But when he saw that steaming, crispy grilled cheese sandwich, he started tossing his food and screeching for the good stuff.
The night these pictures were taken I was supposed to go to a Clipper's game and sit in a VIP box and eat really good food with Chris, but I couldn't find a sitter in time (it was short notice at bed time on a week night and I tried a few people then gave up--basketball's boring anyway, right?). Nellie took us out to ice cream instead because she knew I was a little disappointed. What would I do with her! We went to Coldstone and outside the store there's a little plaza with a walk-through water fountain. Well, I don't think it's meant to be walked through often, but my kids think that's what it's for. Everytime we've gone there, they start out by testing their limits. How close can they get to the fountain before it hits them, or which hole can they step on to prevent the water from spraying them. But by the end of the night (once Ben finally stops eating), they're straddling the shooting water laughing like crazy. It could be a lesson in how we allow sin into our lives. But on a lighter note, it makes for a bit of entertainment along with dessert. Next time we go, I'm going to bring extra clothes.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Little Reptevya

I read in some parenting material that early walkers (9-10 months) are usually careless and reckless, wildly attempting their new skills at risk of life and limb. Ben does NOT fit that description. He has perfected the skill of learning to walk. We're talking poster child of the year for walking done right. Am I too proud of his new trick? Maybe, but I'm also seriously baffled by how artfully he has mastered walking. One day we were forcing him to take a few steps between us, the next he was traipsing down the hall! This video takes place after about 5 days of active walking. And you'll have to forgive my singing...

What do you think of this picture? Doesn't it look like Ben is three times bigger than Sam? Or like Sam's clutching a little doughboy, trying to keep him steady. I gotta work on my photography skills.